Unpacking Your Orbit

Make sure the Orbit box is facing in the correct direction for opening it. There should be stickers that indicate which side is up. At the top of the package, you’ll find a Getting Started guide and an Accessories box.


Inside, you’ll find: 

  • the Orbit
  • power cable
  • spout extender (optional): if you are using dosing cups with lower clearance and/or for tidying up static
  • 58 mm portafilter dosing cup
  • dosing cup magnetic pad (optional)
  • hex wrench
  • Lunar magnetic strips with an application tool: required if you want to use the Orbit’s grind-by-weight feature
  • thumb screws (optional)



Gently remove the Orbit from the box. It is heavy, so be sure that you are fully supporting the weight.


To learn how to set up and maintain your Orbit in top condition, explore this article.

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