The firmware update failed, or the scale is stuck in "Update" mode

Info Tip!

If you were not updating at the time that the scale went into "Update" mode or stopped responding, we would recommend first attempting a soft reset. To initiate a soft reset, hold the power button while plugging the scale in. You can see this process in the videos at the bottom of this article.

My scale won’t turn on? Why is my scale bricked?

If your scale’s screen continues to display update and is unresponsive or is blank and only displays a yellow light, do not panic, the scale is stuck in update mode. Plugging the scale in while it is on will always turn the scale off. If this is done during the updating process, it will interrupt the installation. Even if the scale's display is blank upon pressing the power button, it should still be functional and is just stuck in update mode. 

Here are all the steps you'll want to take:

  •  Exit/force quit the firmware updater app *this resets the app connection
  • Plug USB power into the scale (if already plugged in, unplug, then plug back in)  *this resets the Lunar
  • Unplug the Acaia scale, press and hold the power button while plugging in the scale (this should place the scale back in update mode) It is fine if the scale only displays a lightning bolt or amber light and not the full read out.
  • Open the app and reconnect the scale in the app.
  • Select the latest firmware (2.6.004 for Lunar//2.0.009 for Pearl)
  • Tap "Start Firmware Update".


Here is an example of the process for the Lunar: 

The audio is a little soft so you'll need to turn the volume up. 

Here is an example of the process for a Pearl: 

Still having issues?

If this does not work for you, or you have any more questions, contact

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