Guide to Orbit Grinding Modes

There are two modes to use the Orbit: Manual Mode and Grind-By-Weight Mode. You can also gain advanced control through the companion smartphone app. You can fully customize your grinder by adjusting button actions, RPM profiles, and other settings. 
Download the Orbit App here.

Manual Mode


  1. Press and hold the Orbit button to toggle between presets A, B, and C. The default RPM of the presets are 600, 1000, and 1500.
  2. Use the knocker 2 to 3 times to knock out as much retention as possible.Screen_Shot_2022-08-04_at_16.02.09.png
  3. Triple click to purge after grinding.
  4. Use the Acaia Orbit App to customize the RPM, auto-purge, and auto-stop settings.


Grind-by-Weight Mode


When the Lunar is attached and paired with the Orbit, it gives the user the ability to control the target weight and RPM (revolutions per minute), displayed on the scale’s LED screen. 


  1. To adjust the target weight and RPM, press and hold the tare button until the weight starts blinking.
  2. When the weight starts blinking, tap tare button to increase and tap the power button to decrease. 
  3. When you reach the desired target weight, wait 5 seconds to move on to the RPM adjustment.Screen_Shot_2022-08-04_at_15.54.00.png
  4. When the RPM starts blinking, tap the tare button to increase and tap the power button to decrease. 
  5. When you reach the desired RPM, wait 5 seconds to save. 
  6. Make sure to remove the spout extender from the Orbit spout and place the dosing cup on the Lunar.

  7. To begin the grinding session, click the Orbit button. The Orbit will start grinding until the target weight is reached. 
  8. When the target weight is reached, the Orbit will automatically stop the motor. 
  9. At the end of each session, you can click the Orbit button to pulse a small amount of ground coffee if needed.
  10. Remove the dosing cup or double tap the tare button to reset the current grind-by-weight session. 


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