Recommendations for Competitors

Whether you are competing in Barista or Brewers Cup competition, this article will provide an in-depth guide of how best to incorporate your scale into your routine. Competing is all about the details, so whether you want to use some of the auto-modes or turn off particular settings, here is a rundown of how to prepare before and during your performance.


To make sure your scales are doing what they do best, we recommend regularly calibrating them, especially if you are using multiple units for your routine. On both Pearl and Lunar scales, you can perform a quick calibration.

  1. Make sure your scale is in “weigh-only” mode. This mode displays the weight and nothing else, as “0.0”. You can switch modes by long-pressing the power button.
  2. Rapidly press the T button 6-7 times until the scale displays “CAL”. It will then display a number like “100” or “500”, but any F1 or F2 class weights that are 100, 300, 500, 1000, or 1500 grams will work. So, if it is displaying “500” but you only have a 100g weight, it is still good to use.
  3. Place your weight on the middle of the weighing surface until the calibration is complete.

If you find your scale is still drifting after calibration, follow this link on how to diagnose the issue.  


Make Sure your Firmware is up to Date

If you have recently bought or received a new scale, there should be no need to update. However, if you are running into firmware issues it is always recommended to update your scale to our latest release.

Acaia Scale: Updating Your Firmware


Follow this article here to find out more about firmware and firmware updates

Bluetooth Settings

To turn off Bluetooth, enter the setup menu on the scale: Turn the scale on by holding the power button, then also press T when "Set" appears. The screen should show F.0000. Use four long presses of the T button to enter all 0's. This will put you in the setup menu (first visible option is "sleep").

Then, use short presses of the T button to cycle through to bt_Set. Use a long press of T to enter that option, then a short press of T to change to "Off", then another long press to exit. Pressing the power button will save and exit the setup menu.

Toggling Sensitivity to Environment

Did you know you can tweak your scales settings to their environment? While we recommend using your scale on a stable, solid surface, competition stages and busy bar setups can prove otherwise. This can mean that your scales may have difficulty settling on one value for the weight you've placed on it. You can alter the weighing filter[b] to make your scale more usable.

Enter the setup menu. Hold down the Power button on startup until you see "SEt" and the scale beeps, then also hold down the T button until the scale beeps and shows "F.0000". Long presses of T change digits, while short presses will change the value of the digits. Enter "0000" to reach the setup menu. Here, short presses of T will cycle through the available settings, while a long press will enter the setting to change it. Cycle to "Filt." This is the weighing filter. This setting can have values from 2 all the way to 128. The default is 16. Higher numbers take a longer rolling average of the scale's sensor and handle vibration better at the cost of slower response time. Smaller numbers average a shorter period of time, rendering the scale more responsive, but more susceptible to vibration.

If you're having a problem with an instability of the scale's reading, switch to a higher number.


The higher you adjust your Filt number, the longer the response time.

Using a Heat Pad for Brewers Cup

While our Lunar scale has an aluminum base that distributes heat quickly after a brew, our Pearl and Pearl S scales do not. This is why we strongly recommend using the heat resistant pads on your scale, which is included in the box that the scales are packaged in. Heat from longer brews can directly affect the accuracy of the load cell, which is the mechanism that makes our scales so precise. As well as affecting the load cell, the exposure to heat can shorten the life of your scale.

Auto-Start Modes

 For both Pearl and Lunar we have several auto-start modes. Pearl’s modes are designed with filter or pour over in mind, and Lunar is designed for espresso.

Access Settings and Remove Modes

For practice and the final competition, you may want to remove certain modes to suit your routine so there are no accidental switches between them.-With the scale powered off, press and hold the Power button.

  1. When "SEt" displays, continue to hold down the power button and press the T button until the scale beeps and shows "F.0000". This is the password menu for the scale.
  2. Long presses (press and hold) of the T button advance to the next digit, while short taps change the value of the digits (1-9).
  3. Enter "0000" by pressing the tare button for half a second four times to advance through each digit.
  4. The scale will display SLEEP, and you are now in the settings menu
  5. Tap the T button to cycle through the settings
  6. To enter the sub-menu of the setting, you would like to turn off, press and hold the tare button
  7. Tap the tare button to change the mode from On to Off
  8. Once you made your selection, press and hold the tare button to exit the sub-menu
  9. Tap the Power button to exit the settings.

Recommended modes to remove

Mode_1 Espresso Mode turned off by default
Mode_2 Weighing + Timer Mode
Mode_3 Timer Starts with Flow Detection Mode
Mode_4 Beverage Mode
Mode_5 Auto-Tare Mode

*During startup, do not release the power button until you see F.0000. Often users will release the power button when SEt displays and the scale will just power on for normal use. If you do not tap the tare button when SEt displays, the scale will display 2.0.001, 2.0.008, or 2.0.009 (your firmware version) and power on for normal use. There's a little bit of rhythm to the timing so users don't accidentally enter into the settings menu when they want to brew coffee.

On Lunar firmware versions 2.6.003 and newer, the way to enter the Settings Menu is slightly different.

  1. While your scale is off, hold the Power Button until it shows "nACAIA" -> "SEt". Now release the power button and tap the T button. The scale will now enter the Settings Menu. There is no need to enter a passcode.
  2. Tap the T button to scroll through all the settings
  3. Long-press the T button to edit a setting
  4. Tap T to scroll through the setting's options
  5. Long press T to save your selection



 When charging, storing, or transporting multiple scales, make sure to not stack them. Stacking or leaving anything heavy on top of the scale will engage the load cell, which is active even when the scale has been turned off or run out of power. Heat pads are fine to leave on the scale because of the minimal weight.

It's only necessary to charge a Lunar or Pearl once or twice a week. A fully charged battery will last for about 25 hours of constant use. It is not recommended to let the battery run out completely before charging again.

Be careful when inserting the charging USB into the port, as not to damage.


Have Questions?

If you have any more questions please message us on social media or at We’re happy to assist the best we can.

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