Product specifications for Lunar

What are the product specifications of the Acaia Lunar?


-  Dimensions: 105 mm(W) x 105 mm (L) x 15.5 mm (H)

-  Aprox. weight: 270 g

-  Capacity: 4.4 lbs / 2 kg

-  Measuring Units: oz, g

-  Display: LED

-  Battery: USB rechargeable

-  Connectivity: Bluetooth 4.0


What is the capacity of the Pearl and the Lunar?

The capacity of both the original Pearl and the Lunar is 2 kilograms or 4.4 pounds. Be sure to not weigh over this capacity, or you may damage your scale.

Will a standard espresso portafilter fit on the Pearl or the Lunar?

 The Acaia Lunar is not designed to fit a portafilter. However, we have come up with a solution with the portafilter weighing plate, pictured below. This magnetic plate is perfect for using the Lunar with a portafilter, or for pulling an espresso shot into two cappuccino cups.


Can two cups or a portafilter fit on the Acaia Lunar?

The Acaia Lunar’s weighing pan is 10.5 x 10.5 cm, but it comes with a mini heat resistant pad. If you use the pad, you can weigh a standard portafilter. Some smaller cups can fit twice on the Lunar.

If you need to weigh two cappuccino milk course cups, you need to purchase our portafilter plate. The wider plate option will also fit a portafilter if you prefer more area.

What is the stabilization time for the Acaia Coffee Scale?

For division = 1 g, stabilization time is less than 1 second.

For division = 0.1 g, stabilization time is 1



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