Brightness Display

To learn how to enter settings, follow this guide here.

How Do I Change the brightness of my scale’s display?

This option is currently available on the Pearl Model S, Pearl Model S 2022, Pearl 2021, and the Lunar 2021.

On the Pearl Model S and Pearl Model S 2022, you can enter settings to change the brightness of your scale. This setting choice will come in handy when brewing in a range of environments with different amounts of light.

  • with the scale powered off, press and hold the power button
  • when the firmware displays, tap the T button
  • On the Pearl Model S/S 2022, the brightness settings menu will be the first option. You will have the option of choosing Low, Medium, High, or Bright. The default setting is Medium.
  • double-tap the power button to exit the settings menu


On the Pearl 2021 and Lunar 2021, there is a settings menu option. You will have the option of choosing 1, 2, 3, or 4 with 4 being the brightest. The default setting is 2.


If you notice that your scale is dimming after a period of time, it may have the battery saving mode on. This mode is defaulted to dim the screen after 90 seconds on most of our scales. The scale will brighten once a button is pressed or something is placed on top of the scale. Read our article here on battery saving mode.


Noticing your display may be very dim or brown? It may be that liquid coffee has gotten into the scale’s display and dried. Please email us at to ask how to solve this issue.

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