Zero Range

To learn how to enter settings, follow this guide here.


This setting is available on the Lunar scale. The Zero Range setting determines the range for which the tare button executes zero operation instead of tare operation.

  1. When Zero Range is set to 2, the range for zero-setting will be 2% of the capacity, i.e., +/- 40 g

for Acaia Lunar. By pressing the tare button, any weight within +/- 40 g is zeroed out by zero operation while any weight lays outside the range is tared out by tare operation.

  1. If Zero Range is set to 100, the range for zero-setting will be 100% of the capacity, i.e., +/- 2 kg for Acaia Lunar. Therefore, instead of tare operation, zero operation would be executed in this setting whenever tare button is pressed.

Notice: The difference between zero operation and tare operation is that zero operation would

simply ignore the weight and display as 0 while tare operation would deduct the weight from

weighing result. However, zero operation does not increase the scale capacity.

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