Which apps connect with which scales?

Acaia has a range of apps available on IOS and Android, here we will let you know which apps connect with which scales. 


At this time the Brewguide app connects only with the Pearl Model S and Pearl Model S 2022.

Brewguide for Android Brewguide for iOS


Brewmaster connects with all of our scales. 

Brewmaster for Android Brewmaster for iOS


Brewbar, which is only available on iOS tablet, connects with the original Pearl, original Lunar, Pearl 2021, and Lunar 2021. 

Brewbar for iPad

Acaia Coffee 

The Acaia Coffee app connects with all of our scales including the Pyxis.

Acaia Coffee for Android Acaia Coffee for iOS


The Acaia Updater app connects with the Orion, Pearl Model S, Pearl Model S 2022, Pearl 2021, Lunar, Pyxis, and Cinco.

Acaia Updater for Android Acaia Updater for iOS

The Pearl Updater app connects with the original Pearl scale. The Pearl is separate to other models included in the Acaia Updater because of its connection type.

Pearl Updater for Android Pearl Updater for iOS

The Sette Updater connects with the Baratza Sette 270Wi.

Sette Updater for iOS

The EtzMAX Updater connects with the EtzMAX grinder.


Running into an issue? See our app troubleshooting section here or email us at support@acaia.co

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