How to connect your scale to Acaia Coffee


Before attempting to connect to your scale,  we highly recommend seeing our article here about connectivity tips. 

When first opening the app section ‘remote scale’, Acaia Coffee will scan for any nearby scales. An easy way to tell what scale you are connected to is to put something on top of it. The scale will read and feed this information back to the app. 

If the app does not find your desired scale, click the ‘cog’ button in the top right corner. Then once you are in the settings menu, go to Brewing Settings and choose ‘Select Scale.’ It will scan for scales. It will then give you options or tell you that there are no active scales in range.


Also, note that a scale can only maintain one connection at a time, so if you have another Acaia app open that may be connected to the scale, make sure to force close it on your mobile device.

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