These are the app updates for the Brewmaster app on iOS. If you are looking for the Brewmaster Android updates or another app’s updates, head back here.
Version 2.0.37 - September 29, 2021
- 🐛 This version fixes some iOS 14 related permission issues.
- 💚 Added support for the Lunar 2021
Version 2.0.36 - April 23, 2021
- 💚 Added support for the Pearl 2021
Version 2.0.34 - June 25, 2020
- 🐛 Resolved a bug causing timer issues.
- 🐛improved communication to the database.
Version 2.0.33 - June 4, 2020
- 🐛 bug issues concerning database connectivity
- 🐛 resolved a bug connected to sharing brewing print images.
- 🐛 a number of minor bug fixes to increase app stability.
Version 2.0.27 - June 1, 2019
- 🐛 We now fully support changing the Max weight of our new Pearl model S between 1000 g and 3000 g.
Version 2.0.26 - April 28, 2019
- 💚 Added support for the Pearl S
- 🔧 Known issue: The Max weight show 2000 g instead of 3000 g. This is just a display error and does not affect the performance of the scale. Will be fixed in next update.
Version 2.0.23 - July 12, 2018
- 🐛 Fixed login and user profile issues for some users
Version 2.0.22 - July 2, 2018
- 💚 Added support for the Cinco
- 💚 Added support for the new Lunar firmware
- 🐛 Various bug fixes
Version 2.0.19 - April 16, 2018
- 💚 Added support for the Fellow EKG+ kettle. To add your kettle, go to Brewmaster settings and connect your kettle. Features in the app include:
- Remotely turn on or off the kettle
- Set the temperature and hold it
Version 2.0.14 - April 4, 2018
- 💚 New app icon
- 🔧 On the remote scale screen, replaced the heat pad with a rectangular one
- 🔧 Updated tribe labels
- 🔧 Under-the-hood performance improvements
- 🐛 Various bug fixes
Version - February 12, 2018
- 💚 Manual and Auto timer start in Log-a-Brew! Manual will start timer as soon as the Manual button is pressed. Auto will start timer as soon as drops starts falling into the cup
- 🐛 On the Edit/Save brew data screen, New/Updated info would be cleared if user added photo after new data without saving.
Version - January 8, 2018
- 🐛 Various bug fixes
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