How do I get my scale's firmware version?

Turn on the scale with the pwr_button.png button and continue to hold it down. When the LED display shows load_screen.pngand then set.png, release.

Acaia Original Pearl

For version 1.2, the LED will display rEu-1.2.

For version 1.3, the LED will display rEu-1.3.

For version 1.4, the LED will display rEu-1.4.

For version 1.5, the LED will display rEu-1.5.

For version 1.62, the LED will display UP-1.0 then rEu-1.62.

For version 1.72, the LED will display - 1.72 -.

For version 1.73, the LED will display - 1.73 -.

For version 1.8.390, the LED will display 1.8.390.

For version 2.0, the LED will display 2.0.008 or 2.0.009.


Acaia Lunar

For version 2.5A the LED will display 2.5A - 

For version 2.5.067 the LED will display 2.5.067

For version 2.6.003, the LED will display 2.6.003

For version 2.6.004, the LED will display 2.6.004

For version 2.6.005, the LED will display 2.6.005



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