Orbit App Guide

Orbit App Guide 


What does the Orbit App do?

The Orbit app is the companion app to our first Acaia grinder. Access, customize, and control your Orbit through this one interface and take your coffee to the next level. Use the app to tailor your grinding experience: adjust the grinding speed (600-1500 RPM), change the Orbit button’s actions, save profiles for grind by weight or grind by time, and more.

In version 1.0.5, you can now connect to the Acaia Ion Beam. 


What are the Orbit apps' features?

Connect and Grind: A suite of immediate actions including a sliding RPM bar for burr control, initiating grind on demand, and enabling reverse burr.

RPM Presets: Three highly customizable RPM presets for your grinder. 

Grinder Status: Set button functions, total motor running time information, Orbit serial number, Orbit firmware version, and the power usage of your last grinding session. 

Orbit Button Action: Customize your grinder’s main button and its actions to suit your workflow including pulse, clean, and pause

Auto Settings: Automatically start and stop your grinding depending on if your grinder is connected to a scale, clean sequences, and set your Orbit to switch off after being left idle to save on energy.

Advanced Settings: Clear your paired scale connection, reset your grinder to default, toggle your scale connection permissions. 

Ion Beam: Through app version 1.0.5, you can connect to the Ion Beam via the app. Connecting lets you view the battery status, adjust the “Auto Off Timer”, set the ionizer power (choose between Low, Medium, or High), and identify the product's current firmware version.

When will the Orbit App be available on iOS and Android? 

The Orbit app is now available on both iOS and Android


How do I connect to the Orbit?

Turn on the Orbit by plugging it into a power source and switching the main button on the back of the platform to on. Hold and press the front button of the Orbit until it turns blue and then select “connect to Orbit” on your app’s homepage. 



I’m having issues connecting with my grinder, what can I do?

We would recommend looking at our connectivity guide here. If the tips do not work, please contact our support team directly at support@acaia.co


Does the Orbit App display the grind setting?

The app does not show the grind setting of the Orbit.


Does the Orbit app connect with any other Acaia products?

The Orbit doesn't 'directly' connect with other Acaia products but it can clear your paired scale connection and toggle your scale connection permissions. 


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